This post is dedicated to Kendra Keller. My long lost roommate that has Mononucleosis and was kidnapped and taken back to Soda Springs, Idaho. Her love for shoes will forever live with me in my heart.
I haven't always been obsessed with shoes. There was a point in my life when I would proudly pipe up in a conversation and announce my total of three pairs of shoes. One for church, one for running, and one for everything else. I led my life in bliss being the one who could claim every article of clothing in my closet was purchased at "Ross: Dress for Less". And then it happened.
It was last summer at the beginning of June. Kjersty and I found ourselves at Meier and Frank looking at scads of shoes and it just so happened that I'd always wanted a pair of cute espadrillas with a hemp like sole. (Of course at the time I had no idea what an espadrilla was - a type of mexican food maybe?) Anyway, as we browsed I turned a corner and there they were. It was as if I was in a movie and my prince charming had just walked in the room. The lights from heaven shown down on these shoes and my heart became instantly attached. I slowly crept closer to the shoes and wide-eyed I looked at the price tag. At that moment I was facing one of the largest wardrobe dilemmas that has ever been faced. First, I had never spent more than $15 on a pair of shoes before. Second, these shoes were about $40 (maybe a little less ...). And lastly, there were two pairs of them. Now in comparing them to decide which to buy I realized they were a lot like guys. They both had wonderful qualities but they weren't the same qualities. What one pair of shoes had the other lacked. That is when I pulled out my phone and decided to text a guy friend that knew more about clothes than me.
His answer was almost too simple. First, he asked me if I really liked them both. Then he went on to ask me if I would wear them both. When I answered yes to both questions he said .... (Prepare yourself for ground shaking advice) ... "Why don't you just get both?". What an idea! If I was going to get the $40.00 worth of wear out of them I might as well buy them. Since then ... my shoes are now stacked in my closet 5 high. My life has been forever changed by that moment in Meier & Frank and will forever live on as the moment I became a little more "high-maintenance" and began to enjoy the fact that I am actually of female origin and can completely enjoy a good pair of shoes and a good shotgun experience all in the same day! (There is never anything too manly to not wear heels if you so desire!)
Since then I wear heels every day. If by chance I feel a need to wear completely flat shoes my calves hate me for it and I have to spend 4 days recovering from sore muscles. It's just easier to stick to the heels. Rain or shine my shoes and I will stick together. When the rest of the world walks out on me, my shoes will be there to help me walk with them. ... or something like that.
speaking of shoes: If you are ever in a disagreement with another person just walk a mile in their shoes. If they are still mad at you after that walk you are a mile away and they have no shoes!!
Oh father, thank you for making me smile!
You are so cool! If I weren't already ridiculously tall I would wear 3" heals every day. As it is I only wear them on Sunday and go for a shorter heal the rest of the time.
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