Now I must give a quick tribute to the Seniors on the team that have made this year so memorable. Keena Young, Austin Ainge, Jimmy Balderson, Fernando Malaman, and Mike Rose. Ending with a 25-8 overall record, a 13-3 conference record, holding the #1 spot in the country for the longest active home-game winning streak, shooting an average of 78.1 points per game, making an average of 7.5 three point shots per game, shooting a 41.3% 3 pt average, a 49.3% field goal average, and 65.8% free throw average, receiving an average of 37.5 rebounds per game, 3.5 blocks per game, 6.2 steals per game, and scoring a total of 2577 points this season, and claiming the Moutain West Conference Regular Season Title, as well as MWC Player of the year and Coach of the year. Although the curse was not lifted, I think it is safe to say I was proud to be a BYU Basketball fan this season. We hit some rough spots and it's still hard to think about the dreadful loss last night to Xavier but all and all, we had a dang good season and next time I see Sam Burgess, Ben Murdock, or Lee Cummard outside one of my classes ... don't expect anything less than a quickened heart rate and the longing to someday say more than "uh ummm ... hi".
GO BYU COUGARS! See you next season.
Editors Note: Dearest teachers: for the rest of March Madness ... expect my less than undivided attention as I will be watching the many games on my laptop in class and during any other event that will still allow me to have wireless internet access.
(the link provided only allows you to watch the games on an internet explorer browser)