So I live a good twenty minute walk from campus and since my car is no longer working for me every once in a while I have to get to school the old fashion way - one step at a time. Well, on Friday I started on my adventure and decided I would time how long it took to get to school so I would know for next time when I was rushing to get to class.
After about 3 blocks a car stopped and asked me if I would like a ride. I asked them if they were headed to campus and they mentioned they were heading to the engineering building so I hestitated, quickly went over every lesson I've ever learned growing up, realized there was no candy involved and made the assessment that the situation was safe. Besides, I didn't have a "bad" feeling about it and I was wearing cute high heels so I knew if I walked the entire way I would be taping bandaids to my feet again.
I got to campus in record time, said a gazillion thank-yous and watched the stranger drive away in the distance. Shortly after getting out of the car I realized what an idiot I was. I have always been taught to be careful and avoid situations that could lead to trouble ... so what if they weren't bribing me to get in the car with some lollipops ... so what if my feet were in danger of yet another scab ... so what if I would get to school 15 minutes faster. Now I am kicking myself in the head thinking what an idiot I am and yet at the same time I am wondering if I would do it again. I am always wanting to stop and ask people if they want rides to campus because I know how it feels to have to walk so far. I guess it would be harder for me to say yes to people if they weren't so clean cut, nice, normal looking people in such a "good" place.
So mom, just so you know ... I don't usually get rides from strangers. I would say no to a stranger if I was in places such as Seattle, Ogden, Roy, Detroit, New York City, etc. yes, I will always be looking for the "bad" feeling before accepting a ride with strangers in Provo and no, I cannot gaurantee that if offered I will not accept a ride from another complete stranger, sorry! I guess I just have to say, Thank goodness for the Utah Valley Bubble!
I did that same thing once. I didn't have a bad feeling about it either, but afterwards I felt horrible. Plus I think they didn't know I was married and once it came up in conversation they stopped talking. Anyway my advice is don't do it next time. There are crazies in Provo too! Plus the high heels may have been the REASON they asked you to get in the car! Wait was it guys?
Yeah, maybe I would do it if it were girls from school, but not guys. I do think Cory got rides from strangers a few times while at BYU and he has picked up a guy here once. I really fussed at him for it though. This reminds me of something that happened to me while at BYU. Let me bore you with the details. One morning I dropped off Cory at class. I was heading back home to wymount with my baby in tow. I stopped in front of the Tanner building to let the pedestrians pass and this man opens the passenger door to my car (which Cory had not locked back! I always keep my doors locked.) and he proceeds to get in and ask me for a ride to the MTC. I was speechless and staring at him like he was crazy and probably stuttering for words. I don't hide my emotions well. He realized what an idiot he was and got out of my car, said sorry and hopefully walked to the MTC. That freaked me out! He looked like a perfectly normal middle aged mormon man in a suit who was likely going there to teach or something. But that is not acceptible, even in the BYU bubble. There are freaks there too. I knew some of them and it's just not right for a strange man to hop into a young girls car. CRAZY!
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