Have you ever felt like you are constantly being followed and watched? Do you feel like you need to think about every move you make before you make it? Do you fear that what you do next will be recorded permanently in history by a photograph or a short video clip? I DO! There is a person who follows me constantly and photographs me at my worst times. She wouldn't be considered a stalker necessarily because she is my friend and she has permission to be around me. As I walk down the street, go shopping, change into new clothes, do my hair, or as I am just sitting there in a normal conversation there is always a fear of the words I say or the way I look being recorded for everyone on the internet to see. I now know in a small scale what celebrities feel like on a daily basis. I know my pictures will be shown to everyone she comes in contact with. Which would be fine if all the pictures she took of me looked half way decent.

(Pictures provided by BJH)
Just so you all know, I rather enjoy being the person that keeps you on the edge of your seats! And yes, sometimes I even manage to condemn myself with my dang camara (See video where firework hits the American Flag).
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