As I was browsing the web at work I stumbled across more then one strange website. So, in no particular order, I present to you my choice for the top 10 strangest websites. If you feel you have a better one for the list feel free to leave a comment with the website you think I should add!
1. I have actually stumbled across someone's top 10 ways to destroy the planet earth. It includes in it the number of times earth has been destroyed, the number of plans currently in progress with the final aim of bringing about the Earth's destruction, the minimum amount of time until the Earth is destroyed by natural means (discounting total existence failure), and the minimum amount of time until the Earth is destroyed by artificial means. It provides you with the tools needed and the method to follow in order to bring about the complete destruction of the earth.Link to this article
2. This website is actually titled "Weird Websites". It has links to about two dozen random websites you'd never think of visiting on your own but you might want to have a look if you are ever bored. Weird Websites
3. Someone is asking us to send them a penny. That's right, just one simple penny. Their goal is to receive one million pennies which would equal 3.2 tons and would add up to $10,000.00. Can you imagine the look of the bank teller who has to deal with that fiasco? There is even a mailing list you can sign up for. Support his cause!
4. Ok, the website itself is not strange or weird however, the concept is completely unbelievable. I would try to explain it but my words will not do it justice. You have to see it to believe it!
5. Did you love your Mr. Potato Head? Do you find Michael Jackson's ability to change his appearance, remarkable? Then this is the site for you. Dress Michael Jackson's Face!
6. A website loaded with up-to-date news that you probably don't care one bit about. This site includes the coolest Dixie cup sculptures you will ever see, an article on poor school kids going hungry because there's no profit margin in providing lunches, and the article on Alyssa Milano designing baseball gear - which means it's stylish, sleek, and utterly useless for playing baseball. It's Fark.com
7. In need of a therapeutic treatment? Are you bored of working? You can use this website to entertain you for hours. Or it just might drive you completely insane! Either way, you have to check it out. The key to viewing this website with complete success is sound. Turn the sound up and enjoy!
8. Ever wonder what type of dumb laws are lingering in your state constitution from the 1700s? Well here is the site that tells you all the really dumb laws for the fifty states and a couple of other countries. Dumb laws
9. This website was chosen based on the movies he has posted. You have to click on the "movie ticket" and then just sit back and enjoy some of the strangest little clips you have ever seen. Dave Mathis' Website!
10. What would the top 10 strangest websites be without a link to the Darwin Awards. It's just too easy to make fun of people anymore. Darwin Awards - That says it all!
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