It all started while sitting in our front room when I asked if we still had our garbage bag full of newspaper. Turns out the answer was yes. From there we decided we wanted paper shreddings, but how? At that moment I had a brilliant thought ... I have a heavy duty shredder at my work in the Kimball Tower on campus AND I own an "after hours" key to the building. So we dress in black and make our way to the SWKT. As we approach the building I notice a lock missing from one of the main doors to the building. I pulled and the door opened (turns out I didn't even need a key after all). Well we made our way to the 5th floor where we quickly discovered we had forgotten to grab paper to shred. SO we went back down to the main floor and dug through the "newspaper recyle bins" and we grabbed all the unread newspaper in the newspaper bins outside the building. After filling up a 40 gallon bag with cross-cut shredded newspaper we headed to the other shredder at my work (another 40 gallon bag) and grabbed it also. At this point we were feeling very sneaky and getting into this whole "prank" mode.
About thirty minutes later we were standing outside a carefully selected apartment in our ward. We taped a sheet of plastic to the frame of the door and then filled it with newspaper. It was truly amazing ...
Here is our sneaky adventure in progress:

As you can see we wrecked havok upon poor apartment #106. However, our prank was short lived as we soon discovered that Adam, one of the boys in 106, was actually not home at the time of our mischief so he came home and found it and took it down before it could fall all over their kitchen floor. But we did get to talk to Adam about how genius we are and we discovered that we have started something which may be way over our heads. Oh well ... let the prank war of the BYU 123rd ward begin! Bring it on!
-Brooke Jean
Didn't we raise you better than that?? lol
You raised me to be genius! So I was just fulfilling my call of duty! ;)
Nice Pictures
So which one are you.. "sleak," or "smooth?"
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