"Hey why don't we go get us some drinks ... then we can say 'We don't drink, foo' and throw our drinks on the ground and then the bartender will go 'You still have to pay for those'".
well stated by Ben Newman
You're going to twist my quote all around so it is going to say something like 'I like boys' - love Ben Newman instead of anything even remotely close to what I said!
I like Boys!
- Ben Newman
Dating in the ward is like peeing in the swimming pool ... after you do it you still have to deal with it.
-Someone in my FHE group
I think getting married will be so much fun I plan on doing it a couple times.
- Ben Newman
You have to always look your best because you never know when Google Earth is updating!
-Ben Newman ... again.
There are only a few persons in the world whom I would call for a ride in the middle of the night from, you, and my mother. I hope that makes you feel terrific that I would sacrifice your sleep for the handiness of your sometimes unreliable car. YAY for you.
I would be so embarrassed if I was a pink mummy. I would hope no archeologist would ever find me!
Me: I could be an ear model
Ben: No, don't! The money will go to your head and then you wont be as good of a Brooke.
-Alyssa A.
Mormons don't have to get drunk to do crazy things; we just do them and accept the fact that we're crazy.
-Best quote of all time to describe me!
It was the Beth Berthday ever!
- My favorite Apodaca
Like, this is genuine can't breathe freakin' outness!
You're like blue meat in the middle of brown bread!
I AM IN LOVE WITH SHOT GUNS!! And since it's my right as an American citizen, I WILL own one.(This was said shortly after an amazing experience with Mr. Black)
-Alyssa Apodaca
Brinley (my 2 year old sister): Where's heaven mommy?
Mom: Way up in the sky
Brinley: I need a very big ladder den
Doug: (while trying to get Ben to notice that he has finally shaved asks this question) What do you like most about my face?
Ben: Ummm .. your lips
Doug: Jamen, What do you like most about my face?
Jamen: I'm not answering that! (Ben, this is how you should've answered that question, just for future reference.)
It's about time!
Doug is famous for stating this phrase within 45 seconds of any girl showing up in his apartment: "Wanna make out?"
Infomercial for the magic bullet:
"I hate broccoli"
"Vernon, try this and tell me if you can taste the broccoli"
"I can't, it tastes great"
For those of you who go to BYU you will appreciate this quote:
"I think we need to have a DTFR ... you know, Determine the FACEBOOK Relationship.
Will you tell Mickell that now that I am using facebook I will have to communicate with her solely through the internet. I am unpersonalizing my life!
(If this conversation doesn't make sense ... then you read it right!)
Person 1: It's because I haven't been shivering as much lately because I have been hanging out with a certain hot person that I'm not losing weight. He told me that's how it works and I believe him.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: You know, shivering makes you lose weight ... I'm not shivering which equals me not losing weight. Either I should quit hanging out with him or I should just accept my fate.
Person 2: I think you need to be admitted into a psych ward.
Person 1: I would love to be in a psych ward, I bet they get all psyched up every week before church.
That shivering thing is hilarious! I know who Person 1 is because they definitely belong in a psych ward but I'm wondering who Person 2 could be. I have a few guesses. Also, I know I shouldn't have answered Doug but I was taken off guard and didn't know what he meant! Besides, it was more like a question-your lips?- because I couldn't figure out what he was trying to get me to notice.
Okay - all time favorite quote of the week is the "peeing in the pool" one. Nasty and true!
ben, you are so funny!
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