My goal: The stairs! (See picture)!
If you have ever been on Brigham Young University's campus in Provo, Utah, you know that it is on top of a hill. Coming from the west or south of campus leaves many wishing they were still in bed at 8am instead of climbing up the 150+ steps it takes to get to their first class of the day. My goal was and still is to run up these stairs every day on my way to work. I have run up them in rain or shine; heels, wedges, flats, flip flops, tennis shoes, and many more have carried me up this sometimes seemingly endless flight of stairs. Recently the biggest struggle with this goal is that Utah seems to be going through a heat wave. Since I usually go into work around 11 or 12 in the afternoon the heat almost kills me in the two blocks I spend driving my crappy car-which has no A/C-from my apartment to the student parking lot found at the bottom of the awful hill.
I have not yet let the heat break me from my goal, but after today, after stumbling into work completely out of breath and gasping for cool air I had to wonder if this goal of mine is really getting me anywhere. The purpose of my goal was to help me be able to make it to the top without being out of breath by the end of the summer. It seems like I am more out of breath now then I was when I started this little "work-out" plan. I don't know if I am doing this because I have a point to prove or because I am like Jack Bauer and I just like enjoy doing things the hard way. But no matter the reason, I am running up those stairs tomorrow in my stilletos and I am going to go into my office and I'm going to wonder to myself why I just ruined my hairdo and created a massive amount of sweat just to complete a goal. I'll continue wondering this until I regain my normal oxygen intake rates and then I will forget about it until Monday when I will repeat the awful process agian.
Yeah I'm panting like a wild hyena that just got done chasing it's prey! So what? Did I mention I am still fulfilling my new years resolution and it's almost August! I think the satisfaction I get from that statement alone makes all the pain and embarassment worth it!
Brooke Jean
I feel you on this one. People make fun of me all the time for setting seemingly random and unnesesary goals and sticking to them even though they make me mad. But I think it's a good quality in the end. We're goal setters and it's got to be good for something someday.
By the way - this post sent shivers up my spine. I graduated from BYU in 2000 but the stairs were always the daily evil in my existence. You'll be happy to know that there is a beautiful escalator-clad existence waiting for you after BYU graduation. This is some kooky mormon kind of self-punishment (as if not being able to order a "triple mocha-choca-moo-moo grande" from Starbucks wasn't enough!)
Wow. This is a New Year's resolution? You're right, just that in itself is impressive.
Can I just say, I love BYU's campus (even though hubby is a rabid Ute fan)?
Yuck. I don't know that I'd survive right now with the heat and stairs. I have a hard enough time just SITTING on my back porch as noon, watching my daughter while she plays.
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