In order to define Google, we must first understand that Google is a word originated from the the word googol. The definition of googol is
n. The number 10 raised to the power 100, written out as the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.
The founders of the Google search engine chose this particular word, googol, as the originator due to the implication of the vast amounts of knowledge and storage it provides.
Main Entry: Google
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to search for information about a specific person through the Google search engine
Example: "She googled her high school boyfriends."
Etymology: trademark Google
Usage: googling n
Source: Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)
Copyright © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
Main Entry(2): Google
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to search for information on the Internet, esp. using the Google search engine
Example: We googled to find the definition of the new word.
Etymology: trademark Google
Usage: googling n
I remember the first time I used the phrase "Hang on, let me google it". At first people thought the phrase was strange, then it caught on and people everywhere began to use it. Now, google is a word in the dictionary! I am truly speechless
Brooke Jean
1 comment:
Yes, I am absolutly sure you are the reason that Google became such a popular thing to say. I now have no doubt in my mind that you ARE the center of the universe.
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